The online consultation hours for doctors and their patients

By regis­tering in the respec­ti­ve spe­cia­list area of medi­men­tum, the doc­tor recei­ves access to the online medi­cal practice,

The video consultation hour is the modern form of communication between doctor and patient

By cli­cking on “Book appoint­ment” with the doc­tor cho­sen by the pati­ent, the pati­ent recei­ves an appoint­ment. By means of the TAN sent by the doc­tor, the pati­ent can log in to the appoint­ment and go to the doc­tor online.

Con­sul­ta­ti­on appoint­ments and appoint­ments for after­ca­re can now be held online. Pati­ents only pay the fee that the doc­tor sets for the appoint­ment accor­ding to GOÄ.

In this way, the pati­ent can com­for­ta­b­ly take ques­ti­ons, checks and fol­low-up appoint­ments from home wit­hout long jour­neys and wit­hout losing time in the wai­ting room. The pati­ent sees his doc­tor and can exch­an­ge images and docu­ments. And this no mat­ter whe­re the doc­tor or pati­ent is in the world.

medi­men­tum is cer­ti­fied as a part­ner of Pati­en­tus and appro­ved by the health insu­rance companies.

medimentum is SGB V certified!


Our video con­sul­ta­ti­on hour is cer­ti­fied accor­ding to Annex 31b of the Bun­des­man­tel­ver­trag — Ärz­te SGB V.

Download our new flyer as PDF here!